The Rope- Benefits And Importance Of Skipping
Health is getting off of our list of priorities. Many of us are not paying heeds towards health and mostly because of the social media. It's becoming easier and easier to waste all day in a blink of an eye without noticing the loss it is causing us. You can scroll your Facebook news-feed all day, read tweets all day, react to Instagram posts all day, send snaps to your friends all day and still feel unhappy. That is because you are lacking a routine. Your body needs sun rays that you are not providing it by staying inside your dark room the whole day. Your body needs a regular morning walk that you have always been ignoring. Your muscles need stretching but all you do is laugh over memes all day. Your body needs 8 hours of sleep but you have to debate over useless political ideas till mid night on WhatsApp and Facebook. Almost 2 decades ago, things were completely different. People were comparatively healthy. Do not confuse health with medicines. Those people kept everything in balance, be it their diet, their exercise, their needs and their sleep.
(Image credits: Giphy) Not all of us may find the time to head to the gym owing to our busy schedule, but that definitely shouldn’t be the reason to not sweat it out and it's easier to do it if health and athletic body are two of the many benefits of skipping rope. Skipping is the most convenient way to ensure that you workout, even if it is for 15 minutes daily.

The reason I am writing about skipping rope today is because it is my personal favourite and it's fun to do. You might remember your childhood when you used to play the whole day running and jumping here and there. You would eat anything your hands got on, ranging from food full of fats to food solely made of carbohydrates, and still you would never get fat. You would not increase a single inch of your belly. This amazing quality owed to those jumping and running you did while playing. But now, you eat a cheesy pizza today and the next day you see an extra pound hanging from your belly. You can put an end to it. All you need to do is put that phone away for a few minutes and pick up a skipping rope. Pick it up and lets enter childhood for a while and loose some calories.
Benefits Of Skipping
Here are some of the benefits of skipping that might make you interested in doing this wonderful exercise.
First of all, skipping is absolutely fun to do. Helps you loose frustration and stay clam. Helps you loose extra calories and stay healthy. Can give you an athletic body that you have always dreamed of. Improves heart rate and blood circulation. Helps you build stamina. Helps you tone your muscles in upper as well as lower body. Better than running and walking. Helps in increasing bone density and thus, preventing many diseases. Helps improve the skin by increasing blood circulation. Helps attain balance, coordination and agility. Skipping is a full body exercise.
The benefits are so vast that I can keep mentioning them and the list will go on and on. Take skipping as a hobby and make it a part of your routine. Take that rope everywhere you go. Like going for a picnic, a school trip, going over to some relative's house, going on a summer vacation etc. The fun will be multiplied with skipping rope and you get to burn some calories as well. Only 30 minutes of skipping burns more than 400 calories and that's an impressive thing to do. According to Shakti Kumar Yadav, Head Trainer at Gold's Gym, Delhi, “10 minutes of skipping burns more calories than 45 minutes of running.”
(Image credits: Pinterest)
Find an exercise that you love and you won't have to workout a single day in your life. Skipping rope is that exercise which is to be found by you. Invest in your health. If you think skipping rope is for little girls, go and watch the movie ''Rocky'' and reply me with your remarks later. Start with a 5 minutes skipping exercise and increase it to 30 minutes gradually over a period of 1 month, The changes in your body, your routine and your thoughts will be astonishing.
I hope my words were strong enough to help you switch off your phone for a while every day and bring a change in your routine. Please leave a comment about your thoughts after reading this articles so that we can improve. Do you want to know the reason and benefits of exercise and the part it plays in our life? Do you know why exercise is an essential part of the routine of most successful people? Read HEALTH OR WEALTH? OR BOTH?
(Image credits: Giphy)
Great ,
ReplyDeleteAnd it also work congenitively , fantastic blog
stay connected
ReplyDeleteOnce it was One of my fav activities
ReplyDeleteAnd why not now?
DeleteNow i hv no time to do this . I usually spend my time on social media.
DeleteIt was great with little bit fun , so knowledge with fun is so intrusting thing for me ,fantastic